Monday, November 2, 2009


During one of our experiential exercises on our weekend exploring the North, one of our retreatants was blessed with this vision of Our Lady of Ronora:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SEPTEMBER 11 - 13, 2009

I went out to the woods
because there was a fire in my head
that needed tending.
I know that words alone
cannot contain
or change the shape
of this sacred flame.
And so I give myself
the gift of time to listen
to the sound of my true heartbeat.
On sacred land
I cast off false illusions
and shed plates of armor
revealing a tender place
where love and I can learn to live,
and grow and thrive,
and welcome each other home.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sacred Sound Healing Ceremony

Sacred Sound Healing

This past Sunday I had the honor of participating in A Sacred Sound Healing Ceremony presented by Twin Spirit Tribe and Spirit Dancer Crystals. It was an intense 3 hours filled with the sounds of drumming, rattling, chimes, chanting and a few other various sound makers all working together with God/Spirit to allow the essence of healing to come into the lives of all those both present and those held in our thoughts and prayers.

But as always happens with this type of work, it's only the beginning of the manifestation of these intentions. The healing and transformations that are the result, continue to unfold long after a ceremony is "complete". It has happened in my own personal life this week as well as others that I have to who participated.

When I think of "healing", certain images come into my mind and I am sure some of the same are familiar with you. The obvious and most common is probably a "miracle cure" of some form of disease or illness. The famous Sunday afternoon tent revival where people pass out, faint, speak in tongues and suddenly they get up out of wheelchairs, drop crutches and walk, can suddenly see after years of blindness, etc. I am not for a moment saying that these healings do not happen or can not happen. I have come to understand during this past week that healing encompasses WAY more that those obvious perceptions.

A "cure" is not the same as a "healing" although a cure CAN be a part of one. A cure means we no longer have signs or symptoms in our body, mind or spirit to inform us that we in fact have an illness or disease. It can be at the level of our physical body such as the multitudes of diseases listed in the medical guides, the level of our minds such as mental imbalance, addictions, eating disorders, etc. And it can be at the spiritual level - those problems and conflicts in our relationships with each other and with our self. The feelings of no purpose in our life, no meaning and the feeling and belief that this world is one @%$*!#- up place with no hope of betterment.

In Truth, ALL illness and dis-ease is rooted in the Spiritual level and needs to be addressed there if we wish to have a true "Healing" and not just a "Cure". For if we only seek a cure, and do not address the cause at the level of our Energetic Body, or Spirit, then it has the potential and strong probabilities that it will relapse or return. Addressing the energetic or spiritual level is what true healing is. It is not something that we turn over to someone else to do FOR us, it is something we take personal responsibility for, seek the wisdom to make the right choices and changes, and do it all in partnership with and by the Graces of Spirit/God/ Source/Christ,/Buddha/ Allah, or whatever you prefer to call that entity in your life.( I am a terrible speller and at least She/He/It is the only one who NEVER cares how I spell their name :-)

So you may be wondering exactly what kind of healing has come about from this event?? It's still unfolding and will continue to do so. To be absolutely honest, I STILL DO have the same back ache and tightness that had before the ceremony last Sunday. And I haven't YET been to my doctor since then to have a couple other health issues medically followed up on. But I do feel a HUGE internal shift in my awareness. I stop and contemplate why I feel like engaging in an act or behavior that I know is self destructive and not in my own best interest or in someone else's for that matter. Then I get my mind out of the way and just let my Spirit and Soul reconnect to it's Source/God. That in turns seems to have an effect on how I perceive others in my life: They/You are all connected and a part of me. Therefore do I REALLY want to think/speak/ act in ways that degrade, hurt, dis empower others or think of them as "less that" just because they act/ look/think different than me or you? I don't have the time and energy to waste it on unproductive things like that. Yes, it's true that God provides us unlimited resources and energy - but what good are unlimited resources if we just use them all up harboring thoughts and feelings of anger, revenge, fear, abandonment, pride, greed,entitlement, blame,jealousy and the like. Then it's the same as not having any energy at all because we use it up/give it away in the form of all these negative,destructive forms of thought. That leaves us with no energy to maintain or even heal our body, mind and spirit and then we are left with declining health or continue to have that illness.

And maybe, just maybe, some of these issues we think need to be healed and gotten rid of are here to help us learn something more important. Something that we wouldn't take the time to notice or comprehend otherwise. Maybe that's when it's time to "go inside our heart" and reflect on a situation. We tend to want to "fight off" this cancer, "destroy" this germ, "eradicate" this tumor, "dismiss" this or that thought, I wonder what might happen if we considered the possibility of "surrendering " to it and considering if there could be some sort of redeeming quality in the perceived illness or disease. Think of it as a messenger with some vital information for us. Then if there is, what if took note of that and put it into action in our life. Then what if that action, (no matter if it is physical action or a change in how we just think, what we value, how we relate to others, or how we give of ourselves to others) made such a change in our life that we now had completed and learned that particular lesson. Now we are once again in that state of harmony,balance and ease and therefore not compatible with the vibration/ energy frequency of that unhealthy state. No compatibly= no room for maintaining dis-ease and the condition ceases to exist, or if should continue to existence it no longer has the same negative effect and consequences in your life. You have transmuted it into something life-affirming and positive -- You have had a "Healing".Now you may hold the wisdom to offer healing to others who are ready to take responsibility for and accept it.

I have a huge amount of gratitude for the insight,understanding and healing that has been graced with! Thank you to all who participated in this beautiful ceremony.

Love,Light and Peace
David F

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I cannot stress enough the importance of never calling in an "Ass-Kicking" when dealing with Spirit. I have first hand knowledge that it is not only a poor idea, but one that has made a crater sized impact on my soul. Let us just say that respect is always appreciated on the other side; well that and a sense of humor. Given the fun-loving nature of Twin Spirit Tribe, I believe it is safe to say that Spirit not only smiles at us and our antics, that one can almost hear the guffaws of laughter wafting on the winds when we are together. Fun folks, yes, but we do have our serious side as well. This is often demonstrated in the reverence of our Earth-focused ceremony, our unquenchable thirst for connection with Spirit and the deep trust we have in each other.

Our Apprenticeship Program continues with a journey to the West quadrant of the Mesa. I am learning that working with the Mesa is similar to how one would utilize a toolbox. The Mesa holds the energy and symbols of energy as much as a toolbox would hold a wrench or hammer. When needed, you open your toolbox, pull from it the perfect tool for the perfect job and apply thusly. The key to the Apprenticeship's "Mesa toolbox" is to learn which tool works for which project. The direction of the West on the Mesa, focuses on connections to our feminine side. It also connects with the element Water. How very beautiful and calming it can be. But balance is ever present in this direction. One cannot ignore the other aspects of the West, as it also encompasses darkness, shadows, and death. Certainly, these are not very attracting or appealing thoughts to many, but broken down, the West gives us the knowledge about these foreboding subjects, not actualities. We explore the fears within ourselves to better understand ways to go beyond the stopping points which are often created by these fears. You see, the more familiar that we are with darkness, shadows and death, the more comfortable we are to be around them. When you couple familiarity of shadows and death with the power and energy from the West's Totem, the Jaguar, you feel quite secure in walking those darkened pathways.

Personally, my explorations of the West allowed me to open myself up to surprising sorrow, fears and ultimately death itself. Confrontation of these issues allowed me to shed much of the darkness and understand more, thus bringing light into these areas. The West brought me closer to life by giving me an understanding of shadows. There is a feeling that life has been restarted, with new chance and a broader view.

Along my westward journey I also came to the realization that my Tribe family means far more to me than mere friendships. Twin Spirit Tribe members are special beings that I have trusted with innermost thoughts, my death and my reawakening. I look to them and see a future of connection, of love and of support. Here are people who not only speak about caring but back up their words with heartfelt actions. As for my relationship with Spirit, I can say with great conviction that if you ask for Spirit to assist, Spirit will comply, ….especially if it involves getting your ass kicked.


Joe K.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Earlier, I wrote about the Apprenticeship Program and some of our activities as we explored how indigenous cultures work with the four directions: South, West, North and East.

In this year-long program, the tool we use to explore the significance and meanings of each of the directions is called a Mesa. The concept of the Mesa is a practice that has been used for many years by indigenous cultures. The Twin Spirit Tribe uses the Peruvian method of Mesa-work. Mesa (translated from Spanish) means altar, or table. A piece of cloth is used as our altar, and objects are placed upon this cloth in various locations with specific intentions.

During the Apprenticeship Program (named as such because we are learning from our Teachers), we are taught how to incorporate the Mesa into our daily lives and to use it on a regular basis for direction, meditation, manifestation, healing, and more.

As we explained before, each direction has a symbolic meaning. During each weekend, we learn to use the Mesa by incorporating the art of ceremony into our lives. Personally, I have been working with the Mesa for over a year now. The first weekend is dedicated to the South, which symbolizes “the self” among other things. This is an important start when working with the Mesa because a further knowledge of self really is the best directional tool. Ask yourself, how can you know how to care for yourself unless you know what needs attention? It makes sense and it seems so simple in concept that it is easy to overlook the wisdom of this simple statement. Besides other activities mentioned in a previous blog posting, we placed items on the Mesa with intentions that symbolized what we learned about ourselves or to symbolize what we are manifesting into our lives or the lives of those we care about.

The Mesa and how one sets it up can be very personal which makes it as unique as a fingerprint. After everyone had assembled their Mesas on this first weekend I was in awe of all of the individuality and beauty that emanated from each participant’s Mesa. For those of you that are sensitive to energy and/or are energy workers the vibration that is felt from another’s Mesa can be quite strong. I felt this while looking at the Mesas belonging to my fellow participants. It inspired a variety of conversations about a particular item or other, what it meant to them, and why it was placed where it was. I in turn was able to share my impressions, and how their Mesa impacted me.

The second weekend of this 4-part program is in just a few days and it is regarding the West. This direction symbolizes water, the feminine side of our selves as well as our “shadow” side. I am excited and nervous at the same time because “shadow” means the dark side of ourselves which is typically that side of me that I know is there but I try not to look at very often even though I really need to. I understand the need for balance, and that we need to acknowledge both the light and the dark side of ourselves but that does not mean I have to enjoy looking at it. Ha ha ha. Well, I will be sure to share my experience with you after the weekend and even though I am nervous about it, I am very confident that it will be very healing.

- Tim C

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Direction - everyone needs it in their life and so often we look to others for help. Asking for assistance once in a while is fine but so many of us rely on others for our own direction that we neglect that compass within ourselves - our own inner wisdom. Our inner compass then becomes “rusty” from lack of use and may eventually lead us to depend upon others. Well, I have found a way to tap into my “inner compass” and still include those special people in my life when I am looking for direction.

The Twin Spirit Tribe offers a year long “Apprenticeship Program” which emphasizes direction both literally as well as symbolically. This year-long (4 weekend) program is dedicated to learning how indigenous cultures honor the aspects of the 4 directions: South, West, North, and East and how to apply them to our own lives.

During these weekends, we learn how to incorporate the art of ceremony into our lives. Ceremony is basically a practice that is done in reverence with the focus of an intention. This is so important because in our modern busy technological multi-tasking world we rarely place specific intentions into what we are doing. Instead we send text messages while we drive or, eat in front of our computers or even, talk on the phone while watching television. If any of what I described sounds familiar then you may also benefit from adding ceremony and direction into your life.

The first weekend, which was held in April, was dedicated to the South, which symbolizes “the self” among other things. This is an important start because a further knowledge of self really is the best directional tool. Ask yourself, how can you know how to care for yourself unless you know what needs attention? It makes sense and it seems so simple in concept that it is easy to overlook the wisdom of this simple statement. On this weekend we incorporated meditation, breathing techniques, body movement, and outdoor nature exercises. My fellow retreatants and I engaged in a level of intimacy that is not easily duplicated outside of the retreat setting.

My most memorable experience from this amazing weekend was when we divided the large group into small groups to do a breathing exercise. (I believe they called it fire breathing, and probably not because our breaths were stinky.) After receiving instruction as to what we would be doing I quickly realized that this exercise would be challenging both physically as well as emotionally. We were to lie on the ground with our head held gently in one of the small group member’s lap, while the other group members were on the other sides of the person lying down. The person lying down would begin taking two quick breaths in through their mouth and releasing one strong breath out through their mouth. This breathing technique lasted approximately 10-15 minutes per person. There is more to the exercise but I don’t want to give away all of the great details.

In my small group were two other participants and a member of the staff assisting the process. The first brave person to take on the breathing exercise in the group was a young, pretty, seemingly soft-spoken woman. My job was to sit at her feet ceremonially and do something that is called “holding space”. The Leader of the exercise gently instructed us to begin the exercise and so there I sat, watching her work through this very challenging type of breathing, which basically simulates hyperventilation. I was given the opportunity to witness how difficult the exercise was physically and kept thinking to myself “how is she still doing this?” As the exercise progressed her emotion began to surface and she adapted her breathing to compensate without stopping the process. What was probably only 10-15 minutes seemed like a life time and I was so impressed with this woman’s perseverance, determination, and strength both physically as well as emotionally. All I could think of while I was watching her was “She is a Warrior” and love was her sword. I know it seems dramatic but it truly was what I thought. She inspired me and reminded me what it truly means to be a warrior. Really the most important battles we fight are within ourselves and the only way to win that war within is to learn to love.

After observing her, I was humbled and yet renewed in my belief in my ability to face my fears. As I went through the exercise, I kept her simple lesson on my mind and allowed myself to also be a warrior and to use my most powerful tool, love. She was a great teacher without even realizing it and I was able to address a lesson I was not even aware needed to be addressed. So there it was, the direction I was seeking was within myself and, I was able to find it with the assistance of a supportive community.

Our next weekend together will honor the west, which can be symbolized by the sunset; acknowledging both the light and shadow within ourselves. I know this is going to be an intense experience, since self-discovery usually is. However, I am now armed with love from the first weekend and will go forward with the lesson of the warrior from my fellow apprentice. I cannot wait to see what is awaiting me in the West during our June Apprenticeship weekend.

- Tim C